Don't delete that crazy elder, you know the one that is completely nuts.
You may relapse and miss the organization but if you call him you will be reminded why you left.
flying blind on the incoming calls but i am not fearfully looking around and will approach any religious zealots like a warrior.
there nothing like the unpredictable, because these men it's all about the prediction..
Don't delete that crazy elder, you know the one that is completely nuts.
You may relapse and miss the organization but if you call him you will be reminded why you left.
this would cripple the economy, don't know about other states in the union but it would.
be devastating for the border states.
here in california restaurants (no workers) closed, .
I guess I need to do much more research, I didn't realize that illegal immigrants can receive a
Social Security number, 2014 541000 SSN were issued to illegal emigrants.
A side note, most of the hard drugs that enter the U.S come from Bolivia, Columbia,
Peru, and 2/3 of the marijuana comes from Mexico. We need to build the wall on the
southern border of Mexico. I'am sure Mexico and the U.S. can work together on that.
this would cripple the economy, don't know about other states in the union but it would.
be devastating for the border states.
here in california restaurants (no workers) closed, .
Fisherman: True they are breaking the law, but we opened our borders for cheap labor.
I thought it was ridiculous to give drivers license to illegal emigrants (in California) but it
seems to be working.. The question, who created the problem with illegal emigrants?
WE have 11 -? millions illegals here, no way in hell will they be deported so what is the
answer and the wall,please.
this would cripple the economy, don't know about other states in the union but it would.
be devastating for the border states.
here in california restaurants (no workers) closed, .
Athanasius: That it would "pay a decent wage". With the borders under control there will
be no way to get cheap labor. And by the way it was mention that illegal emigrants have dropped
in numbers, in fact they are crossing back to South and Central America.
at a recent meeting there was a watchtower article about life in paradise.
they were saying that even when witnesses finally get there they will still be under the strict instructions from the elders and gb.
they may be given jobs that they will find unpleasant, also the preaching work will be ongoing because of all the resurrected people who need to learn about why they are given another chance.
Today there's 4.0-5.0 acres of land for every 8 billion single person on Earth.
So for the 8 million JW's that's a lot of land. How will they maintain it and when
the dead come back to life will they charge( work it off) them a fee for building on their land.
I know of one brother who will set up a Real Estate office for prime land.
this would cripple the economy, don't know about other states in the union but it would.
be devastating for the border states.
here in california restaurants (no workers) closed, .
scratchme1010: I agree, if it wasn't such a high demain for party drugs and other drugs
there would be no problem.
this would cripple the economy, don't know about other states in the union but it would.
be devastating for the border states.
here in california restaurants (no workers) closed, .
This would cripple the economy, don't know about other states in the Union but it would
be devastating for the border states. Here in California restaurants (no workers) closed,
Hotels and motels shut down, all major shopping centers and auto repair shops closed,
Medical staff will be short handed. If others Americans that are citizens born here but have ties from
countries south of US decide to join in, we would need the National Guards just for daily operation.
Strengthen our borders, deport the criminals 600000-2 millions and leave it at that, clean out
the jails that have undocumented immigrants.
It's not an easy solution folks.
if so wouldn't it be funny to write a letter to your councilman, mayor,congressman, senator and.
other government officials why jw's don't vote.
most will say because i'am told.
What's the old saying, "don't bite the hand that feed you".
if so wouldn't it be funny to write a letter to your councilman, mayor,congressman, senator and.
other government officials why jw's don't vote.
most will say because i'am told.
If so wouldn't it be funny to write a letter to your councilman, mayor,congressman, senator and
other government officials why JW's don't vote. Most will say because I'am told
they are no part of this world,but they obey the laws of the land.
True but the main reason, they believe you are tools of Satan. It's bad enough to say you are not part of
this world but to say Satan is running the Government, spooky, spooky.
I believe the media will have fun with that.LOL
Now some of you may beleive this may be the case today (the candidates for president),
but most sane folks don't believe Satan is ruling the world.
i feel like a idiot but what was the respond time?
within 5-7 minutes my street was blocked off, i received.
a call from the police dept.
JWdaughter" Wow, "swat team", that's scary....Your son, did he pay any money for the false alarm???